Health Benefits of Being Near the Water

Ever wonder what it is about water that we as humans are drawn to? When we think of holidays, or downtime and relaxation, we often think of being by the ocean or on a lake. It seems that we’re hard-wired to have a connection to water!

With psychological, spiritual, and emotional connections across history – to the big sea, it’s no wonder there are a number of awesome and holistic health benefits to being near the water.

Mindful meditation: Psychological effects of water

Being near the water, in particular near the ocean, has many positive associations with physical and mental well-being. In an article for The Guardian, Dr. Matthew White (an environmental psychologist with BlueHealth), states that “spending time in and around aquatic environments has consistently been shown to lead to significantly higher benefits, in inducing positive mood and reducing negative mood and stress, than green space does.”

The calming environments outdoors around water can increase a meditative effect along with breathing in fresh air, laying down, and relaxing, can all help put you in a better frame of mind to tackle your day.

A form of mindful meditation could be going for a swim and concentrating on your strokes, how the water feels around you, the smell, the air, the strength of your body in motion. If swimming isn’t your forte, you could try meditating in the bath, adding a few drops of our MiniGem essential oils to stimulate other senses as you connect to the feeling of the water on your skin.

Escaping screens and tech stress

In our society that is constantly driven by technology, by the urge to work harder and ‘be better’, it’s easy to form an unhealthy attachment to those digital devices. Whether it’s because you’re working long hours or you’ve delved into scrolling on social media. Losing hours on our devices is not uncommon, our moods and well-being can suffer for it.

Unplugging from technology is a necessary and beneficial way to combat tech stress and burnout. It can reduce fear, anger, and stress and be a gentle reminder that your life is not what you see on your screens. As a digital detox of sorts, it can also help fight that urge to scroll, text, or post when the tech is away.

Water for healing

The body is made up of 50-75% water. It’s a part of us. Literally. For thousands of years and in cultures all over the world water has been, and still is, seen as a source of life and of healing energy. It acts as a cushion for joints, it can soothe sore muscles, cool us, carry nutrients and for some, can purify as it cleanses past pain and unwanted energy.

Water has been lauded for its spiritual, physical and emotional healing abilities; in an article from, Marine Biologist and Author Wallace Nichols shared that our deep biological connection with water “has been shown to trigger an immediate response in our brains….the mere sight and sound of water can induce a flood of neurochemicals that promote wellness, increase blood flow to the brain and heart and induce relaxation.”

Our whole being seems drawn to the healing benefits of water.

How are you drawn to water for healing?

Do you find yourself craving time by the ocean? Or in the mountains by the lake? Try Listening to the sounds of water on our MiniGem sound machine. I’d love to hear about how you benefited from the water sounds so I can share with the MiniGem Community too. Just reach out to share your stories! I can’t wait to hear from you.

A Hug from Minaret x

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